Trying to think of where to begin this post is overwhelming, where to begin? Neil and my hearts' are extremely full, we couldn't be more grateful to our Heavenly Father and the blessing he has given us, the trust he has in us. We're overjoyed and feel extremely blessed to say that we are finally expecting baby number three. I am barely, barely along, but Neil had to tell everyone yesterday, when we found out on his birthday, so if we're going to post it all over Facebook, let's do it all over blogger as well, right? Why not.

It's funny, we really weren't expecting me to be pregnant at all (I mean, of course that would be nice, but we didn't think I was at all). I had been taking Provera to induce my period so we could start on the next treatment, my doctor had informed me that it slightly increases your chance of pregnancy, but I didn't think much of it and didn't even tell Neil about that part because I didn't want to make it a huge deal.
I knew it could take up to two weeks after taking Provera for your period to come, but usually I start pretty quickly after taking medicine like this, even though I have never taken Provera before. So yesterday morning after I woke up, I decided to take a pregnancy test, just to get rid of those pesky "what ifs". Like I said, I knew for a fact I wasn't pregnant, Neil was out eating breakfast with his dad and twin brother for their birthday and we had an extra test that would just go to waste if I didn't use it. So I took it, set it on the counter and washed my hands. I look over, fully expecting the test to not be ready to read yet or for it to say, "not pregnant". Instead I see the word pregnant, I had to take a double take, then I thought for sure there was a glare and I couldn't see the "not", so I pick up the test and stare at it thinking to myself, "there's not a not there! THERE'S NOT A NOT THERE!"
I immediately start shaking and call Neil, remember he had no idea about any of this. When he answered I started crying and told him I have the best birthday present ever for him, he was really confused and asked what it was. That's when I told him I was pregnant. He didn't believe me at first, even though he knew I would never, ever joke about something like that. I took a picture and sent it to him, just so he knew I wasn't lying and that I know how to read.
We are so excited and can't wait for this new little one to join us. We joke about how we've spent thousands of dollars to go through all these procedures, doctor visits, etc. and all it took was a $4 pill and for us to do it the old fashioned way. I think from now on we'll start there. Oh, I'm not sick...yet. But I know it's coming. I can't ever escape a pregnancy without getting sick...
We want to thank everyone for their love, support and prayers. We've felt them all and we feel so grateful to have so many loving people surrounding us. Thank you everyone, we love you.