Two birth stories in a aren't we the lucky ones today?
Yes, it's true. Today is my Claire B's birthday. It's still hard to believe that my baby is 2! I guess it's a good thing I'm on the cusp of having another baby to snuggle with and give me loves. But Claire is still plenty snugly, she definitely loves her mommy, which I love, except when I've had enough of her climbing all over me and begging to be held 24/7. I don't know if she's heard, but I'm 26 weeks pregnant and don't feel like carrying her around all the time, but alas, I know I will miss those moments when they are gone. My favorite of all time right now is when, out of the blue, Claire will look at me and say, "Oos you too, mommy." and I get a big hug and kiss.
But I digress, the story of her birthing experience. No worries, it's not nearly as dramatic as Emma's, but it's still just as beautiful, because, well, they all are.
After getting pregnant so quickly with Emma, it took us nearly 2 years to get pregnant with our Claire. Neil and I were so excited to finally be expecting another baby and for Emma to get to be a big sister! Claire was due on March 31, 2010.
I decided to have a repeat C-Section, this is a decision that Neil and I took very seriously. We wanted to do what was best for me and our future babies, because we knew that after two C-Sections, you can't go back. We researched it, talked about it, prayed about it, talked with family about it, and finally talked to my doctor about it. I know what people say that doctors will pressure you to do a C-Section because it's so easy for them and you're in and out and blah, blah, blah. This was not my experience in the least bit. My doctor understood my concerns and talked to me about both options, but still, I had a very strong feeling that a C-Section was best for both me and my babies, I'm not saying this is the case for everyone, but or me it definitely was. Plus I had such a wonderful experience with my last C-Section, I couldn't imagine a better experience. The pain is minimal and the recovery is actually faster with a C-Section than a vaginal birth.
Since I decided to have a repeat C-Section, my date to have Claire was set for March 24, one week before her due date. We were all excited, and again, my pregnancy went off without a hitch. When I was 34 weeks pregnant I started going in and getting NSTs (Non-Stress Tests) done twice a week, because we didn't want what had happened with Emma to happen with Claire (don't worry, we've already planned getting them done with Clark too, once I hit the 34 week mark), and she was perfectly healthy...what a relief.
I continued to go to school part time throughout my pregnancy, which I'm really grateful I did. I started having contractions a few weeks before Claire was born and I remember going in for a check-up and my doctor telling me that he didn't think I would make it to my scheduled C-Section, I told him I knew I wouldn' the waiting game began. Two days after that conversation with my doctor I remember telling Neil that labor was eminent, just one little thing needed to change and I knew I would go into full-fledged labor, I just didn't know what that thing was....little did I know that later that day my contractions were now regular and getting more and more intense, Neil worked graveyards and so he was sleeping. I decided since I needed to go to Wal-Mart anyway, I would go and walk around for a while to see if I would walk the contractions off, they weren't painful, they were just annoying.
After walking around Wla-Mart for more than an hour, the contractions had gotten more intense, I actually had to stop walking when a contraction hit and just rock for a minute. I went home and called my mom to see what she said. She told me to walk around my house and time them, so I turned the T.V. on for Emma and walk and timed for about 30 minutes. My contractions were about 2 minutes apart, but still not painful. I called my mom and she said that it didn't sound right so she stayed on the phone with me and timed them for me for a few minutes, but it was true, they were 2 minutes apart. I asked her what I should do because I had class that night. I didn't know if I should go to class for go to the hospital. She said that if it were her she would go to the hospital to get and NST since I was going to get one tomorrow anyway, might as well get it over with.
I wake Neil up and we head up to Heber. We get to the hospital and the contractions have pretty much stopped, which I knew would happen. I was on the monitor for a good 10-15 minutes before my first contraction, of course. But after that they came back with a vengeance, they were again about two minutes apart and more and more painful. when asked my pain it was somewhere around a 3 to a 4, depending on the contraction. They thought maybe I was dehydrated so they gave me IV fluids, but even after the bag was more than half way gone the contractions weren't stopping or slowing down.
My mom left to take Emma home and Neil called to see how I was (he stayed at my parents house to get some sleep just in case he ended up going to work). I told him what was going on and I would call him if I found anything out. My mom came back and we talked for a minute and then Neil came in with a really weird look on his face. I asked him why he was making that face and he told me that he overheard the nurses talking about me, and my doctor had told them to prepare for a C-Section, he would come right in. I wasn't sure if I believed him, but right after that my nurse cam in and confirmed what Neil had said, baby Claire was making her debut 3 weeks early!
Everything went perfectly as planned and Claire was born on March 11, 2010 at 12:40 am weighing 6 lbs. 6 oz. and 18 inches long. I got to see her right after she was out and she was screaming her head off. It was the most beautiful sound in the world, especially after what we had gone through with Emma. I immediately started the water works, I couldn't believe she was finally here and healthy! I even remember saying something about how I loved that sound and I didn't want her to stop, and my doctor agreeing, saying after Emma's experience that was music to his ears as well.
I love my Claire Bear with all my heart! She is so funny and cute, and totally the opposite of her sister in so many ways. But they are madly in love with each other. Emma's the prefect big sister and Claire is the perfect little sister, they go together like cookies and cream. I love my Deedle.
Baby Claire! right after she was born.
My first time holding her
Neil's first time holding her
Her first bath. I love how much she didn't appreciate it.
Emma's first time seeing her
This picture explains everything!
She couldn't stop kissing her
I just love this picture of my dad and his two granddaughters.
I'm sorry, but doesn't my child look just like Neil from day 1!?
Home snuggling with her sister
If you knew anything, this is a sign of true love Emma has for Claire. She even let her have her two favorite dolls.
Bed Head