Monday, March 26, 2012

Pregnancy Thus Far

I realized the other day that I really haven't documented this pregnancy in any way, shape, or form. I guess time has just really seemed to fly by this time around, and I've forgotten that it's already been over 28 weeks, I only have less than 11 to go, needless to say we're getting pretty excited over here.

All of my pregnancies have been extremely different. With Emma I remember being so sick for the majority of it, I was sick for the first 24+ weeks, had a few weeks to recoup, then was sick for the last 6+, it was miserable.

With Claire I was so exhausted the whole time, plus I was sick, not as sick as I was with Emma, but still pretty sick. I finally found out around 28 weeks that I has a little anemic, so I started taking iron pills and that helped somewhat with my exhaustion level.

This pregnancy though, wow, it's taken its toll on me. I haven't been as sick as I was the other two times (knock on wood), but if I thought I was tired with Claire, I knew nothing. I could literally fall asleep at any given moment, if given the chance (which I never am). I get sick a lot more often, if you know me you know I never get sick, but with this pregnancy I have gotten the flu twice (maybe three times, my mind is a little foggy), and I have the world's most hellish cold and I've had this cold for 2 flipping weeks now, it's not fun at all. And the weirdest symptom...cold sores every 2-4 weeks. Yep, I have been getting a new cold sore ever 2-4 weeks, I only get one cold sore a year and then one right after I have a baby, but I've been getting them non-stop. I actually asked my doctor about it because it is so strange and he just simply said that pregnancy does weird things to your immune think?

Pregnancy, you love it and hate it. I absolutely love feeling little bean move, he's quite the mover and shaker and it's so fun to not just know he's in there, but feel him, it's a constant affirmation that you are doing one of the most glorious things in the world...growing another human being.

But in all seriousness, I'm excited for June to finally arrive so I can meet my little man. The girls are moved in the same room now, so he has a bed to sleep in, his clothes are all folded and put away, and the lovely Braxton Hicks have been gracing me regularly. We're just waiting for Clark to grace us with his 11 weeks, we don't want him coming too early now.

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