Sunday, March 24, 2013

I'm ch ch changing

It's true, my bod is changing!

I'm now down (close to) 22 pounds...people, that is HUGE, especially for me. That's more than what Clark weighs and close to what Claire weighs. I've lost the weight of a tiny human! Now, no worries, I know I still have a little over 18 pounds to go, but hey, I'm more than half-way there. It's totally awesome!

This past week I've really noticed how much I've shrunk. I've noticed my clothes fitting better for the past little while, but I've never noticed a huge change....but this week it finally set in that my clothes aren't just fitting better, they're getting (or are already) too big. Just today while I was getting ready for church, I decided to wear a new dress I purchased a couple weeks ago and haven't had the chance to wear. I tore off the tags, because I had already tried it on and it fit great, and slipped in on just to realize that in a two week span it had become too big for me, it looked sloppy and loose. As happy as I am, I'm kinda bummed that I don't get to wear it anymore, so back to the store it goes. But now we were running late to church so I grabbed a fairly new dress my mom had purchased for me a couple months ago and seemed a little tight when I had worn it before and what would you know? Way too big! It looked terrible on me. Now I was frantic, but no worries, I finally found something and we were only 10 minutes late or so...

Another instance this week was a few nights ago while Neil and I were chatting away. We have a large family picture of just Neil, Emma, and I when Emma was about 7 months old hanging on a wall. I looked at the picture and mentioned how I thought I could see a lot of Clark in Emma, Neil looked up and agreed and then looked at me and then back at the picture and said, "You are skinnier now than you were in that picture." I don't know if I quite agree with him, but it sure feels great to think that he thinks so. 

I'm really happy about my progress. I'm noticing it more in just the weight I've lost, but I am sleeping better at night (I used to toss and turn for hours on end and be exhausted all day), I have much more on and so forth. It's really great to see the progress and change take place over an extended period of time. I can't wait until I'm finally where I want to glorious that day will be...

Not quite at my heaviest here...I think. But pretty close.

Tonight, just hanging out. 

I know I still have a long way to go, but I can see the progress and it's great. 

*Any ideas on what to do with my hair? I want to keep growing it out but I'm pretty bored with the style...I need suggestions...

Monday, March 11, 2013

And then there were four!

It's hard for me to imagine that my cranky baby girl is now three years old! Where oh where has the time gone? Claire made our family an even number (something I crave...even numbers) and help our family grow and learn more than we ever thought imaginable.

It's crazy to think that my baby that would cry non-stop has grown into my sassy three-year-old that has the most dramatic mood swings you have ever set your eyes on. She's the thing I needed the most when I needed it the most.

She is one in a million and is so hilarious words can't describe. I love my Claire Bear, just be sure to never call her Missy will more than like see tears (we have yet to figure that one out). Her smile and singing light up a room, she is madly in love with her older sister and wants to be exactly like her in every way, and she dotes over her baby brother like no other. You want to know the best part? She still loves me and wants to cuddle with me. She's my sweetheart and I can't wait to see what the coming years bring for her. I love you Claire Doodle, happy birthday baby girl.