Brandi Tagged it goes.
8 favorite t.v. shows
1) House
2) What Not to Wear
3) The Office...who doesn't like it?
4) Intervention
5) The OC (even though it's not on anymore...)
6) The Secret Lives of Women
7) Yo Gabba Gabba (actually it's Emma's but I like the bands that come on)
8) South's actually Neil's but I do find it funny at times
8 favorite reasturants
1) Happy Sumo
2) Los Hermanos
3) Tepanyaki
4) Clifornia Pizza Kitchen
5) Goodwood
6) Olive Garden
7) PF Chang's
8)Taco Time
8 things that happened yesterday
1) We got our new accent table
2) Got Neil his birthday present
3) I slept in
4) Emma woke up early
5) I decided that I don't want fall to end
6) I didn't get ready until like 1 (pathetic, but it was nice)
7) I drove around Spanish Fork (still trying to figure everything out)
8) Went to the Distribution Center
8 Things I am looking forward too!
1) Going and seeing the fertility specialist
2) This semester being over
3) Halloween (Emma's going to be the cutest little red riding hood EVER)
4) This semester winding down
5) Neil's birthday Emma...ah....
6) Going home and watching The Office with Neil
7) Emma's second birthday (only 4 months away!!!! AHHH!)
8) Christmas I love getting presents for people, I could care less about my gifts.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Over all, things are going great. We are adapting to life in spanish fork, though it feels like most of our time is spent at work or school. None the less, we enjoy the splendor moments of comfortability that the weekend brings.
Below are some pictures of parts of the house, and Emma carving pumpkins.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Can I Get a What What?
I've been seeing this on a lot of people's blogs and I thought it looked interesting, plus I'm bored because Emma is napping and my grandma is gone. It's 50 facts about me and 50 facts about Neil.
50 Facts About Ali:
1. I'm very OCD, everything has to be in even numbers or multiples of 5.
2. I would die to have a baby right now, literally, if I was told that if I were to have a baby I would die right after birth I would do it, no questions asked.
3. I want to travel the world before I die. I actually told Neil that I won't marry him unless he can promise me that we could do that.
4. I love my life, I'm the happiest I've ever been.
6. I hate germs, I never used the bathrooms at school, if I have to go I wait, even if it's for 4 or more hours.
7. I LOVE school, my dream job would be a professional student, too bad that doesn't exist.
8. I love to read, in our house I actually added a reading corner just for me, it includes a nice big, comfy chair, a book case with all my books, and a lamp. I haven't been able to use it yet...depressing.
9. If a book becomes popular I refuse to read it, Harry Potter NEVER, Twilight series YOU WISH. They just don't appeal to me.
10. I wish I was crafty, but I'm not. I keep thinking I will be but it never pans out.
11. I'm the second youngest of four kids, the first to get married, and the first to have a baby.
12. I love the internet, I can find out anything about anybody.
13. I spoil Emma way too much, she has a ton of clothes that she has never worn and it makes me upset because they are dang cute but she doesn't fit into them anymore.
14. I love taking baths, everytime I'm tired, stressed, sick, or anything I soak in the tub, my parents acutally bought us a jetted tub in our new house, it's well used...Emma is taking after me.
15. I love our new house, I couldn't ask for a better place.
16. I'm a spoiled brat and if I don't get what I want I through a fit and fight until I get it...fortunately I've learned how to use this properly and it always works in our favor.
17. I would love to have twins, I actually hope I do, I think it would be so fun.
18. I was married at 18, and had a baby at 19...I was creeped out too.
19. I don't trust doctors and dentist unless I already know them...that's why I traveled 30 min. to my doctor when I had Emma and whenever I go to the dentist I travel up to Heber. I don't know what I will do when they retire.
20. I can't sleep unless Neil is next to I end up waiting until 12:30 at night to go to sleep.
21. In high school there were many rumors going around about me that wasn't still baffles me to this day tht people thought I did half the stuff I heard about.
22. I'm going into Social's the best.
23. I'm going to UVU and I think UVU is a's more like high school than high school...most of the time. I actually have a teacher this semester that is challenging.
24. My husband proposed to me on New Years Eve, right at midnight. He said it was the first thing he wanted to do that year.
25. I think my parent's love Neil more than me half the time...but that's good.
26. I love making fun of people, I never mean the things I say, I'm just very sarcastic. But more often then not, people take me seriously and I end up in trouble.
27. I have never drank or done drugs once in my life.
28. I new I loved Neil the first time I met him, but it took me a little longer to really come around to those feelings.
30. I met Neil because I dated his best friend, but Neil and I never met while I was dating Dylan. 31. In high school I went to at least one concert a week.
32. I didn't want to get married until I was like 27 or 28.
33. I don't have a middle name, and either does Emma...I just don't see the point in girls having middle names.
34. Neil and I have very different styles, but we somehow find things we both like.
35. I know a lot or random information that will never help me out in life.
36. I don't know what I would do if Emma wasn't here, she really is my world.
37. I'm scared to death of getting Alzheimers, my grandma has it and I don't want to end up like that.
38. My children have no chance in life, ADHD and OCD run in both Neil and my family's.
39. I HATE spit with a passion. The thought of it makes me sick.
40. I hate sports, I think they are a waste of least to watch.
41. I love fruits and vegetables, way more than anything else. I could eat them everyday.
42. I love my name, it's unique. I don't know of anyone else whose full name is Ali and spelt like mine.
43. I hate, hate, HATE it when Alison's or Alice's or whatever go by Ali, it's not your name jerk wad!
44. I don't have a favorite color, I like pretty much any color.
45. I hate taking out the trash, even though it's right outside the door, I pretty much refuse to do it.
46. I like learning about people's lives.
47. I'm really smart, I just don't apply myself. I don't get the point of trying to get an A, when I don't have to try and I get an A- or B.
48. I can pretty much tell when anyone is lying.
49. I love not having to work.
50. I've had more stuff taken out of my body than put in. I've had my appendix taken out, my gall bladder taken out, and I had Emma via C-section. Yes, my stomach has 8 plus scars from these "wonderful" surgeries.
50 Facts about Neil:
1. He loves Emma more than anything.
2. He works non-stop so I don't have to work, he refuses to lete me work.
3. He's extremely smart. He hates it when I procratinate.
4. He's very protective of Emma, it's a good thing though.
5. He's a twin. He hated it when he was younger though, they were always trying to be their own person, but every one knew them as "the twins".
6. He was born 3 months early. Him and his twin almost died. They got down to about 1 pound each.
7. He loves surprising me, even if it's just flowers.
8. He can't wait to be an Engineer.
9. He loves his job. I don't mind either because it's a great company.
10. He loves being a daddy, and he's wonderful at it too.
11. He's extremely funny, but I get annoyed at times.
12. He HATES BYU. Everytime he passes someone who is wearing something BYU he makes a barfing noise and calls them funny names.
13. He will be going to BYU next year, because UVU doesn't offer his degree, I laugh.
14. He has 5 brothers, no sisters.
15. He's the youngest.
16. He convinced everyone in high school that his name was Corneilious, it was even in the yearbook. Evern his friends thought that was his name.
17. He loves comic movies.
18. He's an AMAZING artist, he can draw anything in 5 minutes flat.
19. He's an amazing piano player. He can learn prety much any song by ear.
20. He loves to talk in different accents, but it drives me so crazy he doesn't so much, at least around me.
21. He pronounces borrow "burruw" it drives me up the wall.
22. He hates Bush, when I met him he had a sticker on his car that had a picture of Bush and on it it said, "Not my President".
23. He knew he loved me before we met. And he knew we would get married the moment he saw me.
24. In high school he grew his hair out, permed it, and dyed it orange, I gag whenver I see those pictures.
25. He also wants twins.
26. He is totally different than any of the guys I ever dated.
27. He's been in 5 fatal car crashes.
28. He used to live on a farm.
29. He likes buying things for Emma more than I do half the time.
30. He wants to travel the world.
31. He wants another baby as badly as I do.
32. He's very patient and caring.
33. Whenever he gets sick he assumes the worst.
34. He's really good at helping out around the house.
35. He served his mission in Tampa, Florida.
36. He can never keep a surprise from me, as hard as he tries.
37. He loves South Park and Family Guy.
38. He's very outgoing, which I am not.
39. He's very good at lying, he can trick anyone.
40. He loves making up stories, they are some of the weirdest stories you have ever heard.
41. He used to have OCD extremely bad, but as he got older it wore off...a little.
42. He's just like my little brother. It's a joke that I married my little brother, but I hated my little brother growing up.
43. He can get alond with pretty much anyone.
44. He never yells.
45. He can't fall asleep in a car, no matter how tired he is.
46. He can't sit in the back seat of a car, unless he absolutely has to, but it drives him crazy.
47. He's very indicisive (as am I)
48. His favorite food is Italian.
49. He hates any kind of melon.
50. When he was younger his older brothers would duct tape him and his twin to the wall so they wouldn't have to baby-sit them.
50 Facts About Ali:
1. I'm very OCD, everything has to be in even numbers or multiples of 5.
2. I would die to have a baby right now, literally, if I was told that if I were to have a baby I would die right after birth I would do it, no questions asked.
3. I want to travel the world before I die. I actually told Neil that I won't marry him unless he can promise me that we could do that.
4. I love my life, I'm the happiest I've ever been.
6. I hate germs, I never used the bathrooms at school, if I have to go I wait, even if it's for 4 or more hours.
7. I LOVE school, my dream job would be a professional student, too bad that doesn't exist.
8. I love to read, in our house I actually added a reading corner just for me, it includes a nice big, comfy chair, a book case with all my books, and a lamp. I haven't been able to use it yet...depressing.
9. If a book becomes popular I refuse to read it, Harry Potter NEVER, Twilight series YOU WISH. They just don't appeal to me.
10. I wish I was crafty, but I'm not. I keep thinking I will be but it never pans out.
11. I'm the second youngest of four kids, the first to get married, and the first to have a baby.
12. I love the internet, I can find out anything about anybody.
13. I spoil Emma way too much, she has a ton of clothes that she has never worn and it makes me upset because they are dang cute but she doesn't fit into them anymore.
14. I love taking baths, everytime I'm tired, stressed, sick, or anything I soak in the tub, my parents acutally bought us a jetted tub in our new house, it's well used...Emma is taking after me.
15. I love our new house, I couldn't ask for a better place.
16. I'm a spoiled brat and if I don't get what I want I through a fit and fight until I get it...fortunately I've learned how to use this properly and it always works in our favor.
17. I would love to have twins, I actually hope I do, I think it would be so fun.
18. I was married at 18, and had a baby at 19...I was creeped out too.
19. I don't trust doctors and dentist unless I already know them...that's why I traveled 30 min. to my doctor when I had Emma and whenever I go to the dentist I travel up to Heber. I don't know what I will do when they retire.
20. I can't sleep unless Neil is next to I end up waiting until 12:30 at night to go to sleep.
21. In high school there were many rumors going around about me that wasn't still baffles me to this day tht people thought I did half the stuff I heard about.
22. I'm going into Social's the best.
23. I'm going to UVU and I think UVU is a's more like high school than high school...most of the time. I actually have a teacher this semester that is challenging.
24. My husband proposed to me on New Years Eve, right at midnight. He said it was the first thing he wanted to do that year.
25. I think my parent's love Neil more than me half the time...but that's good.
26. I love making fun of people, I never mean the things I say, I'm just very sarcastic. But more often then not, people take me seriously and I end up in trouble.
27. I have never drank or done drugs once in my life.
28. I new I loved Neil the first time I met him, but it took me a little longer to really come around to those feelings.
30. I met Neil because I dated his best friend, but Neil and I never met while I was dating Dylan. 31. In high school I went to at least one concert a week.
32. I didn't want to get married until I was like 27 or 28.
33. I don't have a middle name, and either does Emma...I just don't see the point in girls having middle names.
34. Neil and I have very different styles, but we somehow find things we both like.
35. I know a lot or random information that will never help me out in life.
36. I don't know what I would do if Emma wasn't here, she really is my world.
37. I'm scared to death of getting Alzheimers, my grandma has it and I don't want to end up like that.
38. My children have no chance in life, ADHD and OCD run in both Neil and my family's.
39. I HATE spit with a passion. The thought of it makes me sick.
40. I hate sports, I think they are a waste of least to watch.
41. I love fruits and vegetables, way more than anything else. I could eat them everyday.
42. I love my name, it's unique. I don't know of anyone else whose full name is Ali and spelt like mine.
43. I hate, hate, HATE it when Alison's or Alice's or whatever go by Ali, it's not your name jerk wad!
44. I don't have a favorite color, I like pretty much any color.
45. I hate taking out the trash, even though it's right outside the door, I pretty much refuse to do it.
46. I like learning about people's lives.
47. I'm really smart, I just don't apply myself. I don't get the point of trying to get an A, when I don't have to try and I get an A- or B.
48. I can pretty much tell when anyone is lying.
49. I love not having to work.
50. I've had more stuff taken out of my body than put in. I've had my appendix taken out, my gall bladder taken out, and I had Emma via C-section. Yes, my stomach has 8 plus scars from these "wonderful" surgeries.
50 Facts about Neil:
1. He loves Emma more than anything.
2. He works non-stop so I don't have to work, he refuses to lete me work.
3. He's extremely smart. He hates it when I procratinate.
4. He's very protective of Emma, it's a good thing though.
5. He's a twin. He hated it when he was younger though, they were always trying to be their own person, but every one knew them as "the twins".
6. He was born 3 months early. Him and his twin almost died. They got down to about 1 pound each.
7. He loves surprising me, even if it's just flowers.
8. He can't wait to be an Engineer.
9. He loves his job. I don't mind either because it's a great company.
10. He loves being a daddy, and he's wonderful at it too.
11. He's extremely funny, but I get annoyed at times.
12. He HATES BYU. Everytime he passes someone who is wearing something BYU he makes a barfing noise and calls them funny names.
13. He will be going to BYU next year, because UVU doesn't offer his degree, I laugh.
14. He has 5 brothers, no sisters.
15. He's the youngest.
16. He convinced everyone in high school that his name was Corneilious, it was even in the yearbook. Evern his friends thought that was his name.
17. He loves comic movies.
18. He's an AMAZING artist, he can draw anything in 5 minutes flat.
19. He's an amazing piano player. He can learn prety much any song by ear.
20. He loves to talk in different accents, but it drives me so crazy he doesn't so much, at least around me.
21. He pronounces borrow "burruw" it drives me up the wall.
22. He hates Bush, when I met him he had a sticker on his car that had a picture of Bush and on it it said, "Not my President".
23. He knew he loved me before we met. And he knew we would get married the moment he saw me.
24. In high school he grew his hair out, permed it, and dyed it orange, I gag whenver I see those pictures.
25. He also wants twins.
26. He is totally different than any of the guys I ever dated.
27. He's been in 5 fatal car crashes.
28. He used to live on a farm.
29. He likes buying things for Emma more than I do half the time.
30. He wants to travel the world.
31. He wants another baby as badly as I do.
32. He's very patient and caring.
33. Whenever he gets sick he assumes the worst.
34. He's really good at helping out around the house.
35. He served his mission in Tampa, Florida.
36. He can never keep a surprise from me, as hard as he tries.
37. He loves South Park and Family Guy.
38. He's very outgoing, which I am not.
39. He's very good at lying, he can trick anyone.
40. He loves making up stories, they are some of the weirdest stories you have ever heard.
41. He used to have OCD extremely bad, but as he got older it wore off...a little.
42. He's just like my little brother. It's a joke that I married my little brother, but I hated my little brother growing up.
43. He can get alond with pretty much anyone.
44. He never yells.
45. He can't fall asleep in a car, no matter how tired he is.
46. He can't sit in the back seat of a car, unless he absolutely has to, but it drives him crazy.
47. He's very indicisive (as am I)
48. His favorite food is Italian.
49. He hates any kind of melon.
50. When he was younger his older brothers would duct tape him and his twin to the wall so they wouldn't have to baby-sit them.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
No Internet!
Sorry Neil and I haen't updated this blog in a while. We just moved and we don't have the internet until the 13th....we're pretty upset but we will live. But yes, it's true...we have finally moved. I LOVE our new house. I didn't realize how much stuff we had. It took us about 7 or eight trips to get everything from our apartment, but it's finally all in and almost all unpacked. We have a few more things to get set up. But as soon as it's all ready to go and we have the internet I will post pictures so everyone can see it. I must admit driving the extra 20 minutes to get to school is kind of annoying, but I'll get used to it and it's worth it.
Yesterday Emma and I went ot Cornbelly's with our friend Brandi and her son Lukas. It was a blast! They kids were so good and it was fun for all...but I must admit a little expensive, but it was ok because Emma liked it so much. I actually forgot my camera so I will have to pawn some pistures from Brandi and get them up here. It was fun to finally do something with someone who has a baby Emma's age.
Other than that nothing new. Oh, and Neil's last post was not true one bit. I guess it's a joke at work...whatever. Weird boys!
Yesterday Emma and I went ot Cornbelly's with our friend Brandi and her son Lukas. It was a blast! They kids were so good and it was fun for all...but I must admit a little expensive, but it was ok because Emma liked it so much. I actually forgot my camera so I will have to pawn some pistures from Brandi and get them up here. It was fun to finally do something with someone who has a baby Emma's age.
Other than that nothing new. Oh, and Neil's last post was not true one bit. I guess it's a joke at work...whatever. Weird boys!
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