Emma had a great day today, we woke her up this morning so she could open her present before I went off to school. It was a pink toy piano and she LOVES it, she has been playing it all day and if you think she'll let you play it, think again. She has told Neil and I several times, "NO! Emma turn." We laugh and back away. Her birthday party isn't until Saturday, so we'll get pictures up of that when it happens.
I can still remember the day Emma was born, and I still get teary-eyed every time I think about it. She wasn't due for 3 more weeks, but I wasn't feeling her move so Neil and my mom talked me into going to the hospital just to make sure everything was ok, I mean the worst they could do was say go home. So we got to the hospital at midnight and the hooked me up the an NST. I had been having contractions for a month and a half so to see that I was still having them was no surprise, the surprise came when whenever I had a contraction Emma would supposedly move so the nurses had to adjust everything and try again. This went on until about 2 in the morning when my doctor came in to see how I was, he looked at the strip and decided that Emma's heart-rate wasn't doing exactly what he wanted it to do, but it was nothing to worry about, so he checked me and informed me that I was 4 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced, he then decided to tickle Emma's head to see if that would get her to move...and it did for a little while. He decided to keep me over night to just keep tabs on me. Neil left to take my mom back home (who lives only about a mile away from the hospital). By the time Neil got back they had an oxygen mask on me and were starting an IV. What happened while he was gone was my doctor was about to go home and get some sleep when he looked at Emma's NST strip while he was leaving and noticed that every time I had a contraction Emma wasn't moving, but instead her heart rate was plummeting, so try oxygen and fluids to see if that would help. Neil was freaking out, as I was worried myself. Neil got on the phone to call my mom while my doctor came in the room to tell me that he sent Emma's strip to a specialist and the specialist told him that Emma has to come out NOW! They talked about inducing me, but decided that the contractions would be too much stress for Emma and could kill her...so C-section it was. My whole family was there before I left and Neil's was on their way. Neil and my doctor gave me a blessing and I was off. My mom was actually allowed to be in the operating room (which never happens but since my mom works at the hospital I delivered at they let her). After I got scrubbed up and my spinal Neil came in and they began. It didn't take them more that 30 min. to get Emma out, she was 5 lbs. 2 oz. and 19 1/2 in. long. She wasn't crying and my mom tells me she was black and blue and lifeless...I tried not to worry myself telling myself that some babies don't cry for a few minutes....but after I heard the doctors talking about getting life-flight and that she was in critical condition I started to cry and ask my mom if my baby was ok...my mom told me, as calmly as she could, that Emma was beautiful with tons of black hair.
I didn't see Emma for five hours, as the doctors and nurses were trying to stabilize her, and when I did see her it was for about 5 min. Emma was life-flighted the the U. of U. hospital where she stayed in the NICU for 6 days, I was there everyday. The nurses and the U. of U. told me that if i would have waited 12 more hours Emma would have been dead.
I'm so grateful for my Emma...she is beautiful, smart, creative, funny, energetic, loving, and so many more things. I can't wait for the many more years of joy she brings to our family.

Happy Birthday Emma!
I can't believe our little ones are two! Did you cry? I seriously got teary eyed when Lukas turned two. I just can't believe how fast they grow. Emmas piano is SO cute.
Wow what an experience! Already 2, it's crazy how fast they grow up huh?!
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