Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life Beyond College

What, you say? Yes, it's true, after years and years and years and years and....okay, you get the picture, I finally finished my life of college. I'll be graduating with a B.S. degree in Behavioral Science, with an emphasis in Social Work. The long nights and early mornings of studying 10+ hours a day for a test (don't worry, if you know me you know this only happened for a couple of courses where the professor was especially difficult), the days of studying while you have a sleeping newborn in your arms (fond memories of those days), the days of wondering if there really was life beyond college, the days of having the most love/hate relationship with the whole idea of school, the days of having a baby then returning to school two weeks later...those are all finally behind me!

Now, I'm left with the question of what now? How is a "normal" mother supposed to act? What does she do all day long? I've been so consumed in finishing my education and running around like a madman that I'm stumped as to what to do next.

It's a weird feeling being finished with school. After I had finished one semester, I would always have this sense of completion, like a load has been taken off, but I always knew another semester was right around the corner and so, I would gear up for that. But now I don't have another semester to gear up for, my sense of completion is also one of finality. While I sit at night, after I have gotten the girls in bed, I run through my head everything that needs to be done before the next morning. The list usually goes something like this: straighten up house, do at least one load of laundry, do some homework...okay, do a lot of homework. Now it goes a little differently and as I thinking I'm missing something, I know the opposite is true, I don't need to do homework anymore...weird...

Now, as for baby bean, he/she is doing wonderfully. I went to my first doctor's appointment the other day and found out that I am a whooping 2 weeks further along than I guessed. I liked hearing that. I also got to hear baby's heartbeat (I didn't think I would get to) and man, that is always magical. I'm due June 16th, but since I'm having a C-section, that date will probably be a week earlier, and if this baby is anything like his/her older sisters, he/she will come three weeks early....but we shall see. Which this makes me 13 weeks along. I have only been sick for about a week, and it seems to be already wearing off, I haven't thrown up in 2 days, I've come close, but I haven't.

Life, it ain't easy. It's so tough, it's easy...

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