I am so incredibly grateful for my Emma and Claire, they are true miracle babies in their own unique way, Emma for A) being so easy to conceive and B) she almost wasn't able to be on earth with our family. Claire for taking two years to conceive and then being exactly what I need to learn so many things. She has taught me to have so much patience, it's almost unbelievable. They are the reason I get out of bed in the mornings when all I want to do is pull the covers over my head. I'm also grateful for baby bean Thomas, that's slowly growing in my belly. This little nugget is also my miracle baby and I'm already madly in love with this babe.
Emma almost not being here brings me to my next thankful moment. I am so indescribably grateful to my Father in Heaven, for too many reasons to name, but namely for being the calm in my life, for reminding me that everything will eventually be okay. When Emma was born, we honestly didn't know if she would make it, and if she did, we didn't know if she was going to suffer from brain damage. This wasn't supposed to happen to me, she looked so perfect, to have to say good-bye to her was breaking my heart. I remember the night Emma was born, I hadn't slept for at least 36 hours and I was so physically and mentally exhausted, I didn't know if I could make it. I was continually praying to my Heavenly Father on behalf of Emma and that night, as I was saying my prayers, I kept falling asleep. I finally gave up on starting over every time I woke up, He would most definitely understand, and he must have. Because as I finally finished, as tired as I was, I can clearly remember arms engulfing me in the biggest, most heart warming hug I've ever experienced. My mind was instantly put at ease, I didn't get a voice telling me everything was going to be okay, just the perfect hug that I needed, a feeling of peace and calm, and the knowledge that my perfect baby was going to be just that, perfect. And she is. She's just as I would want her to be, sassy, witty, beautiful, and smart. There are many more instances when Heavenly Father has been there for me so much more than I deserve, but this example is the one that sticks with me the most.
I am so grateful to Neily Poo and everything he is to me and the girls, and the many roles he plays in our family. He's not simply a father, he's a daddy, a husband, a lover (yes I went there), the income earner, the cook, the priesthood holder and sometimes even the mom. Any man can be a father, but to be a dad, I couldn't ask for more.
As school is winding down next week, it reminds me of how grateful I am to be able to have an education. I will graduate and have my Bachelor degree next week and while I'm so excited to be done (it's been a long and tiring road. And the most amazing learning experience ever), there will also be a part of my life missing. It's been such a huge part for the last 24 years, and now it's over. I had a professor of mine actually warn me that I will be going through a mourning period, because I will be mourning a loss, and I can totally see that...I'm bracing for it. I've seen so many women give up on their education because they got married or had children, and it makes me so sad. Why give up on something you obviously wanted at one point because you're growing up? What example are you showing to your potential children? What are you going to do if something happens to your husband and he can't work anymore? Will you be able to step up to the plate and support your family when they absolutely need it? Sorry...off my soap box.
There are so many other things I am grateful for, these are just a few that are coming to my mind tonight. I sure did ramble...sorry.
1 comment:
Oh Allison Doris... It's times like these when a little diddy pops into my head... You're the meaning in my life, you're my inspiration... I could go on, but I won't.
You're a peach Al, a real peach. I'm so happy for you an impressed!
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