I don't know what more I can say. The pictures say it all!

Oh, it's definitely a boy!
If you know Neil at all, you know the best part of him having a boy is that he finally has his play buddy. Someone he can dress in superhero outfits, instead of princess ones, someone he can play Ninja Turtles with, instead of tea party, etc. He's so very excited to say that he will have a boy to carry on the Thomas name. When we found out we are having a boy, Neil looked like a little boy on Christmas morning himself. The other day I went shopping (I couldn't contain myself) and found these onesies, I just had to snatch them up right then and there. When I showed Neil my purchases, I could have sworn I almost heard him squeal with excitement like a school girl. But I do have to admit, when people say that it is much harder to find cute boy clothes than girl clothes, they sure in the heck weren't lying. But as long as I have these beauties, I'm sure we'll be okay.
If you're wondering, the answer is yes. We have a name picked out, it's actually been picked out for quite some time (that's what you get when you have two girls before your first boy). Baby bean's official name is Clark Neil Thomas. We really are so overwhelmed with joy to be welcoming this baby into our lives in a little over five short months. Don't get me wrong, I would be just as happy if we were having another girl, but we get our boy! I almost can't believe it, I keep telling Neil I know how to raise girls, that's easy, but how to you care for a boy? Well, I can't wait to figure it out!
Clark, I hope you're ready for us! Two older sisters is going to make you one tough man! We love you and can't wait for you to join our family!