Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Short Grammar Lesson

I've seen too many status updates on Facebook that are almost completely unreadable because I don't understand what they are trying to say. The grammar and spelling is horrendous, but I won't go into that too much. Here is a short list of the most annoying grammar mistakes I see very regularly.

  • They're, their, and there- although these are all pronounced the same, they all have a very different meaning.
They're- abbreviation for they are. Example: They're going out to dinner tonight.
Their- possessive. Example: That is their camera.
There- a location indicator. Example: My coat is over there.
  • It's and its- again these two words are pronounced the same, they have quite different meanings.
It's- abbreviation for it is. Example: It's going to be a long day.
Its- possessive form. Example: Will you go get the cat, along with its food?
  • Then and than- these words aren't actually pronounced the same, but they sound very similar, and have different meanings.
Then- used to list things in chronological order. Example: Let's go out to dinner,
then to the movies.
Than- to show that you prefer something over another thing. Example: I'd rather
be pissed of than pissed on. You can kind of see in the previous sentence, if you
were to replace then for than, how the sentence could be kind of disturbing...
  • To and too- two words pronounced the same but yet again, different meanings.
To- to be honest, I can't really think of a way to define to. Example: I want to go to the store.
Too- also, or in excess. Example: I want Bob, Jim, and John to come too. That was too much chocolate for me.
  • Your and you're- I totally understand that the majority of these are words that are pronounced the same, but it doesn't change the fact that they have different meanings!
Your- possessive form. Example: I want to go to your house and use your phone.
You're- abbreviation of you are. Example: You're the smartest person I know.

I could really keep going with multiple other grammar errors I see, but I think what I have listed is sufficient for now. People, please, PLEASE proofread your status updates. I understand that everybody makes typos, me included, but once it happens time after time, you can tell it's not just a typo. I can definitely tell the difference between accidentally using the wrong word, and plain not knowing.


Brandi, Dan, L and B said...

I am sure people know they just don't care. I am sure I make these mistakes often. I guess I figure since we aren't at school, it's okay. I also think when we are on FB at times that we are in a hurry and just sort of do a hurried update. I also have a friend with Dyslexia on FB and she has a really hard time with ANYTHING grammar. I just read her posts a couple times till I understand. I feel bad because she has even apologized a few times about it. Do we really need to apologize for something like this? I don't think so. In the long run is it the most important thing. Probably not.

Neil, Ali, Emma & Claire said...

I actually am certain that the majority of people don't know, and truly believe they are using the correct term or sentence structure. The fact of the matter is, most of us are adults, we should be able to maintain even the simplest forms of grammar. If you do not believe this, then perhaps all of your prepubescent hours invested in your elementary education were for not.
What about when your children begin to learn these standards? Don't you want to be able to help them in their comprehension of the English language? "English" is the language of choice in this country, is it not?
Proper grammar usage is (or at least should be) essential to everyday life. If one fails to use a simple word correctly, it can distort the entire intended meaning of the author.
All I am trying to do is provide a refresher on the most common grammatical errors I see on Facebook.
As for your Dyslexic friend, I don't even see how that relates. She obviously has an extenuating circumstance that falls out of my targeted audience. That is analogous to saying that the differentiation of colors is discriminatory towards blind people! Just because they can't see colors, should you and I throw the color-spectrum out the window and call all colors "black"?
As far as the importance of proper grammar, I feel you underestimate its magnitude. If you would like more evidence, please let me know, and I can find a plethora of resources supporting this fact (scholarly articles included).

Christa Cox said...

I cant stand it either! and i always want to correct them!

But i dont want them to feel like im being condescending, when really i just want the problem to be fixed so i dont have to see it any more haha :)

There just gonna have to accept my corrections ;) (get it... THERE.. lol)

DW said...

Before you slam others on their grammar abilities maybe Neil should proof read some of your blog posts and correct all of your incorrect grammar errors!

Neil, Ali, Emma & Claire said...

To whomever the mysterious “DW” is, I find it extremely unfortunate that you feel the need to attack me. Regardless of the intent to derogate my credibility, I give no credence and take no offense. If anything, it only shows your inability to have an intellectual disagreement.
It is noted, that I never said I was perfect and without fault, I simply endeavored to suppress the onslaught of improper grammar usage and to proliferate a culture of exactitude.