The Monday before Clark was born I actually had a doctor's appointment and NST (Non Stress Test). Even though I had been having contractions for a while now, they were very irregular and nothing that concerned me, and I never had any while I was having an everything was picture perfect and Dr. T. said he would see me next week. I smiled and said my good-byes, all the while thinking that Clark was coming before my next appointment.
The next day I remember thinking that Clark was going to come much sooner rather than later, I even went so far as to tell Neil that if Clark came before the week was over I wouldn't be one bit surprised, I would actually be surprised if he didn't come by then. That night I had some regular contractions, but they wore off after a couple of hours. (A disclaimer here would be that Dr. T. had informed me that if I went into labor before 37 weeks that he would technically have to send me back to Utah Valley, but he could get away with 36 weeks and 5 days, so as long as I waited until that point we were good to go...that was my goal.) I was now 36 weeks and 3 days...only two mare days until I am in the safety zone.
Wednesday went about the same and Tuesday, some more regular contractions at night, but after a while they wore off...but boy was little bean low! The time was slowly approaching.
Thursday, May 24th, I wake up and eat breakfast. Around 9 am I notice that I'm having contractions the that are coming around 5-10 minutes apart, I wait them out. The contractions don't stop, but they're not painful, I start cleaning the house and trying to take my mind off of the contractions. Around noon I end up calling my mom to inform her that she'll most likely be getting her grandson that day, I just had a feeling. Finally around 2 I knew the contractions weren't going anywhere, they were getting stronger and closer together so we get ready to head up to Heber. When I call my mom to tell her that we're heading up she informs me that Dr. T. is out of town, to which I was disappointed, but when my mom told me which doctor would be delivering bean, I knew I was in good hands. But that wasn't it, my mom also told me the nurses she's been talking to told her that since I wasn't exactly 37 weeks that I would mostly likely be taken back down to Utah Valley, I started to cry, I would NOT do that, it was bad enough that Dr. T. wasn't around, but I wanted to go to Heber. My mom talked to Dr. B. (the doctor that would be delivering bean) and after consulting with the Perinatologist, it was agreed that if I was in labor they wouldn't send me away (thank heavens!)
We get up to Heber and hooked up to everything and after only a few minutes on the NST it was decided that I would most definitely be having my son that day! We just needed to wait until the surgery that was going on was over and the room was cleaned.
Around 5 pm I was wheeled into the OR and everything began. Clark was brought into this world at 5:35 pm and I couldn't stop crying as soon as I heard his first cry. He was absolutely perfect. Neil was able to hld him right away, this had never happened with our other two children because Emma was so sick and they played it safe with Claire because what had happened with Emma. It was amazing, Neil brought him over to me and I was able to t kiss and love on him. After a few minutes it was time for Neil and Clark to go to the nursery while I finished up in the OR.
After I was back in my room my mom came in and informed me that it might be a while before Clark is brought in because he was starting to have a more difficult time breathing. Neil came in shortly after and told me the same thing, and then Dr. B. came in and went into a little more detail about everything and said if he doesn't start improving after a few hours then he would have to be taken to Utah Valley. Long story short, Clark ended up going to Utah Valley to the NICU there. I wasn't scared or worried, but I just wanted my baby with me. I was able to see him before he headed down, but it's just not the same as holding and loving on your baby.
I was discharged a couple days later and immediately headed down to the hospital to see my son. The care and everything that ensued at that hospital is a very bitter story, so I'm going to leave that part out. Let's just say that he was finally able to come home after 5 very long days and after Neil and I fighting tooth and nail with those in charge of his care. Let's just say that after Emma being sent to the U of U and Clark to Utah Valley, I know which hospital I would rather have care for my family. I will avoid Utah Valley like the plague and if any of my children are sent to the NICU again, I will not allow them to be sent there....okay, now off my soap box.
It's been a month since I gave birth to my son. One glorious, wonderful, joy filled month. I honestly couldn't be more happy with my little man, or my family for that matter. Things are going great here and I'm basking in it all. Clark sleeps for at least 6 hours straight at night (to which I can't complain), he only cries when hungry (and even then it's nothing), and he's the absolute happiest baby I have had the pleasure of meeting. He's definitely making this easy on me. I'm 100% absolutely head over heels in love with this guy. He's so fun and so flipping cute, I can't stand it.

Emma's first time seeing Clark while in the hospital.

His first bath at home.

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