It seems like when I put off blogging, I REALLY put off blogging. To the point that I don't know where to start to catch up. But then something happens that kicks me in the butt and tells me I need need NEED to get back at it...blogging is my only form of journaling....awesome sauce, but not really.
My life is seriously perfect right now, I know, I know, everyone says that. But seriously, it is. My kids are growing up just as they should, they drive me absolutely nuts most days, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They love each other and honestly, even though there is some sibling fighting, it could be worse. They really do love each other.
Emma is now 7! It's crazy to think that in one year she will be baptized. My baby is totally gone, and in her place is my 7 year old. She still loves to sing, dance, and play violin. She's been playing the violin a lot lately for school and whatnot, it makes me happy to see her sharing her talent with everyone, because heaven knows that girl can play!
Claire just turned 4 and is still the sassiest little thing around. She always says some the the most off the wall things that you can't help but laugh at. I sure love her. She has a loving heart and the most vivid imagination. She plays and plays and plays all day long her the Lalaloopsy and princess dolls. She definitely coming out of the shell and is making lots of new friends, I love watching her grow up.
Clark is the craziest boy I know! He is always going! He still loves his mama the most and it makes my heart so happy. I love that boy and his crazy imagination. He's obsessed with superheroes, which makes Neil burst with pride. Every time he sees the Hulk he screams "HULK!!" as loud as he can. Love my bubba!
We finally have found a place we would like to settle down here in Texas (well a place we want to build and a house plan we like). It's going to be a long 5 months, but it will be nice to have a place to call our own. Life is grand, better than grand, it's more than I could have ever expected. And I know better is in the future! Here's to 2014!
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