Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fun Times

Today, after an early morning at the Dr's and an afternoon nap, we went to dinner with my parents to celebrate Ali's birthday. Below is a picture of Claire at the restaurant. She loves chips and salsa.

After dinner, we made our way to the park to feed ducks, and then to the reservoir. On the way there, Emma saw a herd of cows (below), and inquisitively said,
"Do you guys see those cows? they are doing a blessing of a baby." It made us laugh. I turned the car around and got a picture of the cows so I would remember that.

When we got to the reservoir, the girls couldn't wait to get in. Emma wasn't afraid of the water like she typically is. It was a new feeling having to tell her to come closer, and not go so deep. Didn't realize 2 weeks of swimming lessons changed her that much? They had a lot of fun.

Over all, busy day. Now the fun part begins... the waiting. 2 weeks from today, we will find if today's procedure worked. One can always hope.

Cant forget to throw this in. It is a video of Emma trying out an app on my phone, in the which she decided to sing:

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