Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Update...

Today was a good day. Ali and I got Emma's pool set up this morning, and then Emma and all the neighbor kids came over to play in it while i cleaned the house. Ali will upload some photos of that later.
After a no-sleep nap, Ali, Emma and I went to Golden Corale. It was fun. We then went to Dan and Brandi's so the kids could play in Lukas' pool. They had a lot of fun.

Emma and Mommy kissing at Godlen Corale.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

For Brandi...

Brandi, here is the picture of Lukas at Brick Oven, with his Elmo balloon.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Okay, so let me explain. I have a whole bunch of pictures, and not a lot of time to explain them. SOme are from Landon and his wife when he and i went on a little caoe with the kids. The rest are from this past weekend. We went to Brick Oven with Dan & Brandi. We went to My Grandma's grave, and we went to Ali's parents for a Memorial Day BBQ. ---Oh, the cool thing was the balloon guy at Brick Oven. He made me a Spider Man, Emma Tinker Bell, And Lukas an Elmo, though i still need to upload that one...I will do that in a day or so.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pre-Memorial Day Fun...

Yesterday was a fun day. I got home from work, and then Ali, Emma and I went to pick up a honey baked ham for dinner. After that we had some McD's. Emma likes their ice cream. Later, Dan, Brandi, Lukas and Blair, came over for dinner. We all had fun. Ali made her rolls, and i made some fried ice cream for desert.

Today we went to Hogle zoo with Grandma Sue, Meggie, and her kids. They had a fun bird show. Emma really liked it when the birds would fly over the audience. Her favorite part was the train ride. Over all, it was a fun day.

This is a cute picture of the kids laying down in Emma's big girl bed.

Emma riding on the train.

Emma drinking water at the bird show.

Emma, Olivia and Jackson riding the carousel.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Here are some pictures i took of Emma playing with a little spider she got from the dollar store.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Family Home Evening...

Well, today was a good day. Ali and Emma went swimming at Lukas's house. I slept until 5:30, and was lucky enough to wake up to my wifes amazing rolls, and a prepared meal (cheesey chicken). It was great.
After dinnner, we went to ythe the Provo Temple, and walked around outside. We taught Emma about the temple,and we sang "i love to see the temple". She had fun.
After the temple, we went to the byu creamery. It was good. The line was ridiculous, but the icecream was good. Emma did a very good job at eating her icecream in a cone. After that, we came home, put Emma to bed, and i got ready for work.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Emma and Lukas eating snow cones...

Well, this weekend was fun. We went to my works annual crawdad boil. Emma seemed to enjoy it. Below are some pictures of Emma and Lukas at the party.

The day before, Ali and I got to go to California Pizza Kitchen. It was awesome, well, the food was anyways. The service sucked. I was extremely happy because i got to get my fettucini with garlic cream sauce.

Saturday, after the crawdad boil, we dropped Emma off at Grandma Sue's, and Ali and I went to the Cheesecake Factory. Once again, a lovely treat, because they also have my favorite fettucini dish. Ali and i then went to the mall, got some ice cream, and then went ti a concert.

The concert was for a band named "MAE". The concert sort of sucked, just because it took 4 hours to get to the main band. Way too many opening bands. Ali said it was one of the longest concerts she had been to.

Church was fun. Emma had fun. We had dinner at Grandma Thomas's house. Emma and Ali are going to go to Lukas and Brandi's to swim in a blow up pool tomorrow, and I am going to sleep.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Emma's new bed.

here is a picture of Emma's new bedroom set. She loves sleeping in her big girl bed. Eventually the walls will be painted and we are putting some kind of wood up the lower half...anyways.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can a Mom Quit?

Today we had Emma's new "big girl" bed coming bright and early at 8 in the a.m. In case you didn't know, I don't get up before 8:30, usually 9, and Emma doesn't wake up until 9 or 10, sometimes even 11, so to be up that early was a little discouraging, but we were all excited and couldn't wait to finally get Emma's crib out and git her new bedroom set all ready to go (which I will post pictures of as soon as I get them). When I got up I was so exhausted, but I wasn't worried, it's part of being a mom and I've gotten through worse days...I should have known what was to come. So up at 7:30 to get at least get cleaned up and get Emma's crib taken apart and out of the room so there would be room to set everything up. Which happened without a hitch, Emma was an angel and her room looks wonderful.

So Afterwards Neil heads up to bed because he had been up since 4 yesterday. I fed Emma breakfast and afterwards I let her watch a little T.V. so I could wake up a didn't happen. I actually started falling asleep until I would hear Emma scream, "Wake up Mommy!" and wake up I did. This went on until lunch time, yes no shower or actual getting dressed happened, like I said I was exhausted. I fed Emma lunch and put her to bed for her nap a little early because she had been up earlier that usual. She was excited to sleep in her new bed, but after five minutes of being up there she started crying so I went up there to check on her because I didn't know if she could climb back up on her bed, she had peed through her pants even though I had put her on the potty no more than five minutes ago! Ok not a big deal, change her pants and off to bed she goes no problem.

I stay downstairs for a few minutes to make sure she is actually asleep and when I know for sure I go shower and start to get ready, that's when I start hearing Emma again, this time she's not crying, just playing and asking mommy to open the door, which she didn't hear me because I was being sure I didn't make any noise. So I go in and settle her down, still a mystery as to why she woke up in the first place. So I finish getting ready and go downstairs to have a little "me" time because I'm the time of person who needs alone time. After about 30 minutes Emma wakes up again so I go get her and decide to get her clothes put in her new dresser and get it all cleaned up.

So I'm cleaning and Emma's being my little helper. I start doing laundry because I want to get caught up on that, which I'm bad at, and Emma's playing and being good, well she decides to go downstairs and play, which I have no problem letting her do, she's done it a thousand times before and she's never gotten into trouble. After about five minutes I decide to go check on her and make sure she's ok....I should have known she was being too quiet...are you ready? She had gotten a hold of one of Neil's sharpies and drew ALL OVER my couch and herself...I mean all over the cushion and the arm rest and her feet, arms, hands, stomach, legs...EVERYTHING!!!!

At first I was ok with it because we have a warranty on the couches so I figured we'd call the cleaning company and they'd clean it, we've had to do it before with Emma's vomit, so I wasn't worried. I tell Emma we're going to go show her daddy her art work and let him known that we've got an artist on our hands...we wake Neil up and show him what's going on, he then informs me that the wrantee doesn't cover ink or marker...that's when I lost it. I started crying because our couches aren't even two years old. I didn't know what to do. All I could think of was grab the wipes and see what that does, Neil calls the cleaning company to make sure, and sure enough they don't cover marker. Neil immediately calls my mom and searches the internet to see what we could do to get the stains out. My mom suggests hair spray...which helped a great deal, for a small ink stain I would recommend that because pretty much everyone has that laying around. And my mom's friend suggests a product called spot shot...seriously use this stuff, it worked wonders! Neil also picked up some oxy-clean, which was wonderful as well. Well, we scrubbed and scrubbed and then I took off the cushion cover and threw it in the wash when I had had enough. I washed in on cold cold and on the gentle cycle, and I didn't put it in the dryer, I let it hang dry. Well every last stain finally came out after two hours of scrubbing. I would have taken a before and after picture but I was to furious to take a before. I am getting to know the terrible twos all too well...

It seemed like after that little incident Emma was cranky, clingy, tired, etc. I finally had it and Neil put Emma to bed while I soaked in the tub and read my book...I finally feel relaxed, I just hope tomorrow is a better day. Oh the joys of motherhood...There is now a new rule in our house, Neil is no longer allowed to put any type of writing utensil within grabbing distance of Emma's grabby hands!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So I just checked my gades, thinking that they STILL wouldn't have them up because it seems like it has taken them FOREVER, but they are up and well here is the break-down: Japanese 1010-A, Math 990-A-, Positive Psychology-A-, Intro. to Counseling and Psycholtherapy-A-! Yes, I am excited. One more semester down....only like a million to go, right? Now I just need to register for next semester but that will be tricky because of Neil's schedule, but I know we will figure it out.

Today Emma and I went and played with Brandi, Lukas, and Blair at the park for a few hours. It was the perfect weather and the kids were wonderful. Thank you Brandi and Lukas for inviting us to play with you. It's always tons of fun and Emma comes home exhausted and ready for a nap, which I of course love.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Don't Worry We're Still Alive!

I really need to get back on the blog train! But at least we're putting forth a little effort right? I guess this post will just be updates, just like the rest of our posts are. SORRY!

Easter was wonderful, and of course Emma got too much and WAY too much candy, seriously, we still have half a huge serving bowl left and the only reason so much is gone is because my grandma is staying with us and she loves her candy, it's a win win situation for both of us.

On April 14th, my wonderful, older sister Cassie return from her mission in Taiwan, I still can't believe she was gone for eighteen months, it's like she never left, the only reason I know she was gone is because she is now speaking a weird language known as Chinese, and HATES American food. Emma loves her Aunt Tassie and can't get enough of her.

I finally had my hystrosalpingogram and it I found out that everything is perfectly fine, the only things they found are my uterus is misshapen and is tilted towards my belly button, but I was told that it isn't something that would affect my chances of getting pregnant, it's just something that you don't see everyday, especially when they are together. So we're still on our little mission to get pregnant, hopefully soon seeing how we wanted another baby by this point!

My family (meaning my sister, my mom and dad, and my little brother) all went back to Taiwan last Thursday, the 23rd, and so we have had my grandma since then. It's been a blast! No really I love my grandma and she has been better than I could have asked for. I now have a deeper appreciation for what my mom deals with 24/7. I already have been watching my grandma every Tuesday and Thursday so I already had a pretty good idea of what she went through, but doing it 24/7 for over a week now has taken its toll. But I love my grandma and I would do it 24/7 for the rest of her life.

Finals week was this last week, it feels so nice to finally been done with another semester of school. And I'm pretty sure I kicked some major butt during my finals so that always feels good.

Neil started graveyards and it has taken its toll on him. When he would get home from work he either had to go to school or take Emma while I went to school, so he was exhausted, but now that school is over we will see how things work out. It is nice to have him home for dinner and to have FHE though, so I can't complain too much, I just always feel like I have to be extremely quiet when he's sleeping, and you try that with a two year old.

Emma is wonderful, of course. I still can't believe she is two! The weather has finally been extremely wonderful so we have spent the majority of our time outside while Emma plays with the neighbor kids, which is nice to sit outside and let her do her thing. These past two days have been hard while it has been stormy, hopefully next week we will be able to go outside again.

Our life has been eventful to say the least, but it looks as if things are going to start dieing down within the next few days, so it will be nice to really enjoy my summer with Emma and Neil.