Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Life Beyond College
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thanks a Bunch
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Happenings of the Thomas Clan

A few weeks ago is snowed enough for there to be a skiff of snow on the ground. Emma ran inside, got all dolled up in her winter clothes, and headed outside to play in the snow with her friends. A little wile later she comes running inside to grab a "big" carrot for the snowman's nose she told me she was making. I got her one and she ran back outside. A few minutes later she runs in again telling me she needs some grapes for her snowman's eyes. I asked her what she was going to use for the mouth...she was stumped. So I grabbed her a whole bunch of grapes for both the eyes and mouth. She was so thrilled. This was her finished product. I think it's pretty amazing. It just needs to snow more so she can make more now.

See...not a lot going on. This pregnancy is absolutely HEAVEN (knock on wood). I get a little yucky feeling if I haven't eaten anything in a while, but that's nothing. Plus, I don't like smells whatsoever, whether it smells good or bad, I just don't like strong smells, but again, nothing. Especially compared to Emma and Claire's pregnancies...miserable absolutely miserable, especially Emma. That's our boring life, enjoy.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Good, the Wonderful, and the Sick

It's funny, we really weren't expecting me to be pregnant at all (I mean, of course that would be nice, but we didn't think I was at all). I had been taking Provera to induce my period so we could start on the next treatment, my doctor had informed me that it slightly increases your chance of pregnancy, but I didn't think much of it and didn't even tell Neil about that part because I didn't want to make it a huge deal.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
My Story
Thursday, September 29, 2011
A Little Update
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Filling You In
Last Saturday I started having intense pain on the right side of my face. It would come and go as it pleased but when it was terrible. I took Advil and Excedrin to see if that would help with the pain, and it didn't even touch it. Yesterday (Monday) morning I called my dentist to see if he could fit me in, because I thought it was a tooth or something along those lines because it was mainly hurting around my jaw. They got me in and and examined EVERYTHING, x-rays, trying to make my teeth react to stimuli, everything, and nothing happened. He came to the conclusion that it isn't my teeth. He informed me that he thinks it may be Trigeminal Neuralgia. He wasn't sure, but he wrote me a prescription for some anti-seizure meds, told me to talk with my mom about what I wanted to do, and sent me on my way. I called my mom and she talked to my doctor (she was at work with him) and I went to see him yesterday. He told me that he thinks it may be either 1) an inflamed facial nerve or 2) Trigeminal Neuralgia...we're hoping for the inflamed facial nerve. And the prescription that my dentist wrote for me, while being the most commonly prescribed medicine for TN that works the best, can't be taken if trying to become pregnant or while pregnant. Great. My doctor wrote me a prescription for steroids, if it is just an inflamed facial nerve, and if that doesn't work he gave me a prescription for Lyrica, medicine that might work and is better for you if you are trying or are pregnant....then he hit my with another curve ball...if I'm taking fertility meds it will most likely interact adversely with Lyrica, I have to talk to my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist). GREAT.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Not What I was Expecting
If I don't start my period in three weeks then he will put me on Provera, do another ultrasound, and go from there. Neil wasn't with me this appointment, the first time he hasn't been with me and it was probably the time I needed him the most, but again, we weren't expecting the appointment to go as it did. As I was getting dressed, I kept telling myself not to cry until I got in the car, I could wait that long, and I did....barely.
It's one roadblock after another, after another. I try to stay strong. I try to tell myself that it will happen in due time. But this is getting to be too much. How much more can I take til I break? Sometimes I think that just stopping would be best, but when I really think about it it breaks my heart. I can't give up, not now, I can do this.
Here's to next month...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
A Big Fat No
Now Neil and I have had multiple talks about where to go if this did happen, what our choices are and what we want to do next. We've researched everything IVF entails and have decided that, at least for right now, that's not the best option for us. With me in school and juggling everything else we're juggling, I honestly don't think we could do it and stay sain. So, with that being said, we're going to do the injectable meds. We start the whole process on Monday morning. I don't know what it all entails, so I'm a little nervous about the whole process. All The nurse said was you do multiple ultrasounds and daily injections until you're ready for insemination. Sounds so pleasant, right? Yeah, I don't think so either. I have to keep my eye on the end product...another precious baby. Neil and I have decided that we will do this for one, maybe two months and then go from there. But I don't want to think about that. Let's just hope this month works. Think happy thoughts...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
She's off

Monday, September 5, 2011
Just Stop Thinking About It
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The Goings On
School started up again, and for the last time, on Monday. It felt good to finally be back in school and feel like I have some direction in my life. I really do love school, but I can't wait to be finished with it. I thought school would make time go by faster, but so far no such luck.
Emma starts preschool on Tuesday. It still baffles me that she is old enough to leave me for 2 1/2 hours three days a week. She will have a blast though. I do worry about her poor teacher, I know everyone says their children have endless energy, and I'm sure them do, but my little Emma Lou...she's in a league of her own. And to top it off she has an extremely short attention span. It will make for an interesting year.
Then there's my little Claire Bear. I love this girl! She's at the fun age where she loves to play and giggle. She jabbers her jibberish like she knows what she's talking about. She loves hanging out the door and yelling outside for "EMMAM! EMMAM!" It's so cute! She also thinks she's the funniest thing ever when you ask her to say mama, she will get a smirk on her face and say, "dada. Hehehe". How could you not love that? She also loves to take off her diaper and say "Poopoo. Poopoo." Love that girly girl!
Neil is still busy at work, as usual. But starting this week he will know how it feels to be a stay-at-home-dad two days a week while I go to work/school until 3. But then he's off to work until late that night. Crazy busy, but we love it.
Last night we watched our neighbor's chillins while they went out to dinner and a movie for Nick's birthday. We love watching the babies! They love to play with each other and have fun. Here are a few pictures. Neil makes things he calls octodogs, he gets a hotdog and slices it up, then he sticks uncooked spaghetti noodles in it, boils it until everything is cook. The kids LOVE it and gobbled it all up like it was candy!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011

When we got to church, Claire showed us how tired she was. Sacrament seems like an eternal struggle with children. We might not enjoy it now, but I bet when we're old and gray, we will miss all the chaos.
After sacrament, all the primary classes stayed in the chapel to practice for the upcoming program. This was a problem, because Ali and I are Senior Primary teachers, and Emma is in the Jr. Primary. This meant Emma continually kept coming over to try and sit with our class, but we insisted she sit with hers. She then began the waterworks. I caved, and allowed her to sit with us for a while. During this time, the microphone happened to be in my hands. She persisted in asking if she could try the mic. I replied with a stern "No" several times, until I was so sick of her asking, I sarcastically said "Yes"! I forget four year olds do not yet comprehend most forms of sarcasm. Emma quickly grabbed the microphone, brought it to her mouth and yelled,
"Hi, my name is Emma Thom-".
Emma didn't even finish her sentence. She immediately dropped the microphone, and buried her head in my arms. She began sobbing and saying,
"I'm so embarrassed!!!". She remained nestled and crying for the remainder of church.
I told her that when we got home, she would have to take a nap due to her inability to stop crying. After hearing this, I looked in my rearview mirror and saw her closing her eyes while intently repeating a phrase in a whispering voice. I asked her,
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing!", she replied.
"No, I heard you say something. Tell me." I demanded.
"I was wishing that I was at Grandma Sue's" she responded, and quietly resumed her "wishing".
After we got home, we had dinner, and then went outside to play. Emma and Claire played around in the princess cruiser. They had fun. The neighbor kids enjoyed chasing them, or letting the girls pull them on their rollerblades.

Close to the end of their playing, Emma spotted a dandelion ready for blowing. She abruptly stopped her cruiser, carefully leaned out of her car, and picked the dandelion. She examined the dandelion for a moment, and just before puffing her cheeks full of air, she whispered,
"I wish I were at Grandma Sue's!". She then blew the seeds in all directions, threw the now empty dandelion on to the grass, and continued playing. She is funny. I guess her escape from reality is her Grandma's house. Nothing wrong with that. I used to think the same thing with my Grandma.

In closing, it was a pretty good day. I am not excited however, for my wife's summer to end. She starts school tomorrow, and so begins the crazy work schedules for me, and a very hectic life for the The Wolfpack.

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Fun Times

After dinner, we made our way to the park to feed ducks, and then to the reservoir. On the way there, Emma saw a herd of cows (below), and inquisitively said,
"Do you guys see those cows? they are doing a blessing of a baby." It made us laugh. I turned the car around and got a picture of the cows so I would remember that.
When we got to the reservoir, the girls couldn't wait to get in. Emma wasn't afraid of the water like she typically is. It was a new feeling having to tell her to come closer, and not go so deep. Didn't realize 2 weeks of swimming lessons changed her that much? They had a lot of fun.
Over all, busy day. Now the fun part begins... the waiting. 2 weeks from today, we will find if today's procedure worked. One can always hope.
Cant forget to throw this in. It is a video of Emma trying out an app on my phone, in the which she decided to sing:
Neil's Rantings